Thursday, May 11, 2006

poor thursday. poor, poor thursday...

Unfortunately, the person who used to work for me was let go today. I won't say why, but it was a very legit reason and I back the person who had to let him go 100%. The person who is no longer employed is now in a tough situation as he has no income which places me in a tough situation, too. I now have to come up with a new gameplan in which to accomplish my goals without him working for me. Here is a list of my projects:
1. Finish cleaning & repair the estimated 10,000' film order.
2. Complete several other projects due by Monday while only having tomorrow to meet that deadline.
3. Begin one client's project of transferring VHS & VHS-C to DVD while combining as many of them, in the order the client specified, within the 2 hours per DVD spec. There is an estimated 18 hours of video to transfer.
4. Start & complete another client's project of transferring Betamax to DVD.
5. Prepare to receive another DVD project & a 16mm film project consisting of an estimated 5,000', if not more.
6. Set up 3 interviews for prospective employees.

While keeping these tasks organized, I must also complete all current film transfer projects in addition to training a new person who will be working for me. I am in a little over my head, but this is what I look forward to- seeing just how much I can multi-task while completing my projects prior to their deadlines while doing the best possible job and maintaining the highest possible quality. The more efficient I am in completing my tasks, the better I look and the easier I make everything on me & my new technician who will be working for me starting tomorrow.
I know it sounds hokey, but I do sincerely enjoy my job. It is amazing that going on two years in my present position as the film dept. manager that I have never once not wanted to go in. There are so many people who despise going into work. I am the complete opposite- I look forward to going in. I do appreciate my job, my responsibilities, and my accomplishments I have succeeded in attaining.

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