Tuesday, June 27, 2006


I am still feeling a bit yucky. I know I caught my ulcerative colitis in plenty of time, but since it is an internal injury, once the symptoms show, the damage has already been done. And, internal injuries take a while to heal regardless of how quick they are caught. I feel better this morning compared to yesterday, but I'm still nowhere near 100%. I'd say I'm 75-80%. I've been continuing my workouts Mon-Fri, so those have been going fine. I just hope I'll be 100% soon. When it comes out of remission like this, it sure is taxing on my personality. I'm not my usual happy self, but I sure do try to remain pleasant to be around.

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

August 15, 2006

butt kicked

I feel like I have been pummeled in the gut. I got so sick after 7am until 7:45 and I am wiped out. Hopefully my meds will be ready today, but they will hurt- financially. I think they will be somewhere in the neighborhood of $200 and for someone without insurance, it really does wreck the checking account. But, it could be worse- I could be typing this from beyond the grave HAHA!!!

The thing that worries me is how much it is going to cost me for the next two doctor visits- one is for blood work on the 12th, the second is for a physical on the 13th. Seeing as how I just got through dumping $950 into my truck again, I don't know how much more of this financial pounding I can take. If it's not one thing, it's another lately. Of course this is all happening while I am trying to save up for vacation. I am sure if I did not have that to look forward to, then I'd just be out the $950.

update: My doctor just called and said it would be a max of $300. If it is any more then he will cover that himself. How nice is that? It sure does help a lot.

update#2: Here is exactly why I want Mr. Liar to rot in hell. Not only has he cost the company money, but he has also costing me money out of my own pocket. I missed one day last week and I am now home missing another day of work. His lying and indirect accusations have caused me to stress out and make my ulcerative colitis make a brief appearance and force me to get my meds @ the cost of $194.37. It might as well be $200. Couple that with the possibility of having to spend an add'l $300 (thank goodness no more than that thanks to my doctor), I am "out" $500. That is money I could have spent towards my vacation. $500 is a ton of cash. I know it is not the Christian way, but I am so pissed off at this guy cos it is affecting me personally & my health. I just have to have faith that he will get what's coming to him. I apologize as I know this is dark, but that is the way I feel right now. It is without a doubt not fair that Mr. Liar gets away with this & I am the one who literally ends up paying for it- both out cash & my health has been compromised.


What I am about to tell you will make 99.9% of anyone who reads this disgusted with me... Back when I was running 3 days/wk and that was all the exercise I was doing, in a month and a half I lost 10 lbs. and that was 10-15mins just walking and the remainder (15-20mins) was spent jogging. Now, those of you who know me understand that I did not have 10 lbs to lose. All those fatty jokes are irony.

Ever since the week after Spring Break (I took Spring Break off from doing any exercising) I have been hitting the weight room at the apt complex.

Over the weekend while looking in on Dad & Nancy's pups I weighed myself. I was absolutely thrilled with what I saw on the scale. I checked it 3 different times to confirm the results and they were identical each and every time. Here is what it read: 140.5 lbs. YES! I have gained 5 pounds! I just knew the results I am seeing in the mirror were not delusions of grandeur. I just knew what my eyes are seeing is legit results. I have noticed a bit of growth in my legs and throughout my upper body. All it takes is some patience, discipline, and commitment.

Working out has helped me deal with a lot of stress, and has just made me feel better about myself. Now, it doesn't help with all stress, but it sure has made me feel so much better about everything. Couple that with going to church once/wk and reading at home has really given my life new direction and meaning. My family has helped in supporting, and encouraging my new direction my life has taken me, as has another family who has been more than supportive and eager in helping me grow spiritually. I am so thankful for them, their support, nurturing, and knowledge they are passing on to me.

It is 6:30 and I need to get ready for work! I hope everyone has a great Tuesday!

Monday, June 19, 2006

very vague... anyone know who...

Jeff Albertson is? I know, but am curious who else knows.
Good luck!

Saturday, June 17, 2006

has it come to this?

While at church this evening at All-Saints Catholic Church a group of people whom I do not know if they are family or not, were quite disruptive.

Let's begin with right before Mass starts. I could have sworn we are in a church and not at a movie theater or some kind of party. Well, the lady is waving her arm straight up & side-to-side getting not only the attention of this group of people, but the entire church as well.
So, this clan of 8 people make their way over. Of these 8 people, 3 of them are very small children. One is an infant, two are around 2 yrs old. What I want to know is since when has it become acceptible to have a picnic in the pews? Hmmm... let's see... let's be as rude as we can be by unwrapping food and making as much noise as we possibly can while doing so in the hopes that everyone around us can hear our loud-ass wrappers that our food is in. Let's allow the small children to talk freely during the homily so that no one around us can listen & learn. Let's not go into the rooms that have doors for families with small children so that they can respect those around them by maintaining the peace while still being able to listen to the service.

I have nothing against children (I want at least one child myself) nor bringing children to Mass. Just please show some courteousy and respect for those who are there and use the closed off rooms for what they are created for- noisy, loud, whiney, starving children.

thanks, buddy!

As you well know, I missed a day of work. Why? I made myself sick due to someone making a claim against my department that we do not do our job.

I am going to call the "man" in question Liar. Mr. Liar is claiming that my ex-assistant (he is no longer working for me as he found a new job a while back), who I will call Jim, was working for me at the time and actually ran this jerk's film.
Liar is claiming that Jim did not transfer 500' of his order. How is this possible when Liar has a log sheet that states precisely the amount of time his 500' of film, how many feet are in each roll, and all the problems that happened with his film? How is it that we have all that information not only documented in a printed log sheet AND invoice, but in a handwritten log sheet, too?

When I spoke to the technician who helped Liar, they said he was very polite, courteous, and according to the workorder, Liar has even paid for shipping out of his own pocket. I have also to release this bit of information: the project was completed, and picked up over NINETY DAYS ago. Yes, over 3 months has since passed. Are you kidding me? You mean to tell me this guy paid over $200 for us to not just transfer this to MiniDV, but clean and repair it, too, and he waits over 3 months before he comes across this little alleged "oversight"? Another interesting bit of info is Liar had the store he was at transfer the MiniDV tapes to DVD, too. The staff remembers completing this, so they know the tape & DVD exist.

Liar is a complete punk. Why he cannot just fess up to the fact he either lost the tape and/or DVD, or he has ruined the DV tape and/or DVD is beyond me. Be a friggin' man about it, Liar. You have not only stolen money from the company by fabricating this false accusation not only on me & my ability to run the film department, but you are also calling Jim incompetent and a slacker. You have also affected me by making me miss a day of work.

Anyone that knows me knows I love my job. Period. No if's, and's, or but's about it. Everyone knows how much I sincerely do care. If I did not care, then I would not have put in the overtime I did the week prior to Memorial Day to ensure our customers got their orders on-time even though some of the staff made some orders due on a day we were closed. Plus, if I did not care, then I would have been fired a long time ago. I do my best on each & every order and I not only demand that from myself, but from my assistants. Their work is a reflection on me, my training & my standards. I would never intentionally screw over my best friend's family's business as I do not think it is important enough for me to slack and lose their trust & respect. Evidentally I know what I am doing and I do a damn good job or else I would not be off-site and left alone without any supervision, not to mention I am responsible for the entire film dept. you just do not give someone that much responsibility of they are not responsible, trustworthy, or reliable. Period. Mr. Liar claiming we did not do our job is a direct insult on my department & staff.

Here is my theory on what happened because the staff at the store remembers transferring Mr. Liar's MiniDV tapes to DVD.
1. Mr. Liar paid over $200 for his order and he waits over 3 months before this "problem" was discovered? I can understand couple of weeks, but not over 12 weeks before going through one's pricelss family history.
2. The fact he was so nice when going back AND paying (out of his own pocket) for us to ship this out to him is very questionable. When a store does indeed make a mistake, the store goes above & beyond and pays to ship the client's stuff out to them so they do not have to be inconvenienced again by making an unnecessary trip back to the store. When our customers expect us to do as good a job as our reputation boasts and we let them down, those customers let us know the are not happy with something. Never has any customer, to my knowledge, ever come back after being let down, and been so accomodating. No one in their right mind would pay for shipping when we have let them down we we have honestly messed something up. Mr. Liar lives quite a distance from the store he was at and for him to be "inconvenienced" and not expect some kind of compensation is asinine. All I know is he will get what's coming to him. Liar has a very questionable character and he may not get his today, tomorrow, or next week. But, Liar will get what's coming to him sooner or later. He may have a lot of "paybacks" coming to him, so this incident might take some time to get to, but he'll get what's coming to him. What goes around, comes around.

Wednesday, June 14, 2006


Well, damn it. I am home sick. 'Nuff said. :(

Tuesday, June 13, 2006


For all those who care- I have my truck back! Whew! It is so nice & I am so thankful to have it back. This weekend I will take her in for a 700mile overdue oil change. I will sleep good tonight. Can't wait to get some 'Bucks tomorrow! Tonight, I am going to go get some nachos!!! Ah, the simple things in life that bring so much pleasure!

Friday, June 09, 2006

my truck is in

Dropped off my truck @ Aamco yesterday after work. I will know the damage today. I know she needs a new clutch, but anything outside of that is going to not be welcome. I am hoping that the clutch is all it needs. Wish me luck!

UPDATE: Got a call around 3pm Friday & so far I am in for $500 for a new clutch. They are going to shoot for having it finished by 5pm Monday. I am hoping for that timeframe and under $1,000.

UPDATE #2 Finally heard from the shop & it will be ready tomorrow, but it will now cost $950. All I can say is at least it will be fixed.

Sunday, June 04, 2006

Sunday, bloody hot Sunday

I laid out only 45mins yesterday & got some good color. It does not take me long to soak up some rays. I got home from church this morning & was out at the pool and exposed my back this time for 45mins (9am-9:45). Will see what the results bear tomorrow morning. It might not be as productive.

After that, I took another shower, watched disc 2 of season 4 of The Simpsons. Then I washed my truck. I really, really, really need to vacuum, but I feel like Mojo- meh! Perhaps once I start laundry I will do that & unload the dishwasher, make dinner, and reload the dishwasher. At least my truck is squeaky-clean. She hadn't been washed in a couple of months. Poor thing needed a bath. This weekend I will take her in for an estimate on the transmission.

BTW- it really sucks being confined to my bedroom watching TV & DVDs. Stupid living room TV.

Saturday, June 03, 2006

another weekend...

My Friday night was so weak. I got out of work at 4pm. I stopped by 7-11 and got a Slurpee and some cherry licorice nips. I had not had any for quite some time. Upon arriving home, I watched The Simpsons, then took a shower. I got out, watched Friends and snacked on my licorice nips and then the 6:30 Simpsons came on. Uh-oh. I found it difficult to keep my eyes open! Not good. I was out before it ended, but I remember waking up shortly after 7. I thought to myself, "how sad is this?" I knew I was going to wake up early Saturday, so I decided to lay in bed until I fell back asleep while watching TV.

I woke up this morning at 5, but laid in bed until 6. I got up, did 45 push-ups, made my protein shake and had a big ol' bowl chock full of Raisin Bran. I hopped in the shower and was off to Super Target to get my grocery shopping out of the way. By the time I got back home it was 9am.

After unloading & putting away the new food, I change into some shorts, bust out the iPod and laid out by the pool for 45mins. There was a nice breeze, so it made it very tolerable to just lay there and soak up some rays. I went back to my apt- all of about a 10-second walk from the pool, and took another shower since I was a little sweaty. I figure I'll lay out again tomorrow after I get home from church as it should be about the same time.

Ever since then I have been watching the Discovery Channel. They have had shows on UFO's and hauntings- both topics that fascinate me to no end.

Don't know what I'll do the rest of the day since my living room TV is dead. I guess I will edit another one of my sister's videos! I want to have those done before July. I will have another to do from this coming vacation & I cannot wait to see what this trip brings the Fab 5!

Friday, June 02, 2006

happy friday!

Hey everyone. I got out of work at 4 yesterday and that was nice. Got my workout in this morning, as usual. I'm kinda tired, but I now have the weekend to look forward to. It is going to be weird not having my TV in the living room. I guess that will help me stay forcused on cleaning my apt. I just need to dust & vacuum. I hope to catch up on my sleep.

On another note, Emily said she talked to Matt and he found our contest hilarious! I also got to finally watch "Charlie & the Chocolate Factory". I must say that was a great movie. Team up Tim Burton, Johnny Depp, and Danny Elfman and you have the makings for a wonderful movie. I am curious to learn who inspired Tim Burton. His style is so... I cannot even think of the word. I just love his movies. Emily let me borrow "Corpse Bride" and I am looking forward to watching that. I guess I'll have to watch it on my G5. It's just too much trouble to unhook either my bedroom TV or my DVD player from my home theater system.

Finally, will someone do my grocery shopping for me? I just don't feel like doing it this weekend. Shoot, while you're at it, could you please vacuum & dust for me after you put my groceries away? That'd be great. Thanks.

Thursday, June 01, 2006

tator tot contest

Ok, so Emily & I did the unthinkable... yeah, we had a contest to see how many we could absolutely cram into our mouths without crushing them. I did 10. Emily did 11. Yeah, she beat me by one lousy tot. The only redeeming thing about my loss is the little boys in the SUV next to us were practically leaning out the window watching, and I actually ate all of my tots. In Emily's defense I had her laughing, so she had to spit out half of hers or else she might have been able to eat them all. Sounds easier than it actually is, but since you cannot crush them, it is quite difficult. Then when you try & eat them- holy cow.

*disclaimer: do not try this alone. Make sure you have someone with you who is not shoving tots in their mouth at the same time just incase one of you chokes and you have to dial 911. I think it would be impossible to tell them your emergency with your mouth full.


Alas, I knew thee well. A moment of silence for my 32" Sony Trinitron. She came into my life back in '97 and now... she speaks, but doesn't want to show me anything. Luckily I have a TV in the bedroom so I am not totally without a TV. Just sucks cos now I have to replace it later this summer. Craptacular.