Sunday, May 07, 2006

My schedule 1st half this week:

Monday: wake up no later than 4:30am. This has not been a problem since I had to last Thursday as I woke up at 4am Thurs & Friday morning.
I have to work out at the apt weight room, make my protein mix, breakfast, shower and check on the dogs before I have to be at work by 8am.
Once at work, I begin the long task of cleaning & repairing a film project consisting of an estimated 10,000' (yes, that is ten-thousand feet) of 8mm film. I will know the exact count once I have completed transferring the film to MiniDV.
Once 4pm hits, I will be off to check on my dad's dogs again on my way home. After arriving home, I will feed my fish & turtle (Crush) and then take a much deserved shower. Catch The Simpsons, check on my eBay stuff I'm selling, call mom to remind her to watch 24, decide on what to eat for dinner, watch 24- then I don't know what until it's time for bed.

Tuesday: same as Monday with the exception of watching 24.
Wednesday: the last day I will have to check in on the pups. So, I can then start "sleeping in" until 5am beginning Thursday.

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