Sunday, May 07, 2006

my goals

I have a lot going on right now, but I am happy I do. I have a lot to share with anyone wants to read this.

1. Get my transmission checked and fixed ASAP.
2. Have my credit card paid off by the time I go on vacation late-July. (no problem there).
3. Have my sister & brother-in-law's tapes edited & on DVD prior to our vacation.
4. Visit Trey & Heidi who live in Colorado sometime in August.
5. Visit my cousin, his wife, and their baby boy in the fall as they live in Arizona.
6. Begin my research on laptops. My old PC is not what she used to be as. I bought it brand-new in '99.
7. Hopefully have a new laptop in October.
8. Keep selling stuff throughout the year on eBay cleaning out all the crap I have. My junk is another's treasure!
9. tbd...

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