Friday, June 02, 2006

happy friday!

Hey everyone. I got out of work at 4 yesterday and that was nice. Got my workout in this morning, as usual. I'm kinda tired, but I now have the weekend to look forward to. It is going to be weird not having my TV in the living room. I guess that will help me stay forcused on cleaning my apt. I just need to dust & vacuum. I hope to catch up on my sleep.

On another note, Emily said she talked to Matt and he found our contest hilarious! I also got to finally watch "Charlie & the Chocolate Factory". I must say that was a great movie. Team up Tim Burton, Johnny Depp, and Danny Elfman and you have the makings for a wonderful movie. I am curious to learn who inspired Tim Burton. His style is so... I cannot even think of the word. I just love his movies. Emily let me borrow "Corpse Bride" and I am looking forward to watching that. I guess I'll have to watch it on my G5. It's just too much trouble to unhook either my bedroom TV or my DVD player from my home theater system.

Finally, will someone do my grocery shopping for me? I just don't feel like doing it this weekend. Shoot, while you're at it, could you please vacuum & dust for me after you put my groceries away? That'd be great. Thanks.

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