But, then Friday came. For those of you who had a 4-day weekend- kudos to you. Mmm... Kudos...
I worked 6:30am-9pm. Luckily, I do not work in retail, so it was a fine day for me. I am going back to work in a couple of hours and depending on how much I get done today will dictate how many hours I work tomorrow.
This coming week is going to be c-r-a-z-y overtime once again. Yes, I am talking the 30-variety overtime hours like I did last week. This week I won't have that many hours since Thursday was holiday pay, but I will have some overtime. If I calculated correctly, I broke into overtime last night by maybe 1/2 an hour. So, today will all be overtime and tomorrow will count towards next week's hours which probably means by Wednesday I will be into overtime. That will make Thursday & Friday that much sweeter.
It looks like I will not be stepping foot back into the fitness center until late-Jan or early-Feb. Gym? What's a gym? Oooh, a gym. Bye-bye 150 lbs :(
Remember back in grade school? This holds true for us in the late-1970's. I remember how important it was to get the Crayons with the built-in sharpener. One always felt so out of place if you got the one that had only 48 Crayons. Heaven help the child that got the 16-count box. Shunned to the circle of children who had that amount, or less. See? It all started with the box of Crayons and then went downhill from there. Way back in 1st Grade- if you didn't have the 64 Crayons, then you were the scum of the 1st Grade. "Bah! We don't want your kind here!" I mean, it's not like those children dressed poor or anything like that. It was weird. But damn if you had to have that massive amount of colors that you never ended up using all of anyway. And with that I give you...

I don't know how it has been since, but this was the beginning of the end for many children's social life. Once it was public knowledge (was that after recess?) that you did not have the big box, then it was near impossible to recover until you hit a higher grade, like say around 4th. But, bringing cool lunches in those metal Star Wars lunchboxes sure did help, especially when you brought enough to share some cool Little Debbie's. Mmm... Swiss Cake Rolls... and Zebra Cakes... aaaahhhhhhh....
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