I worked 8am-8:15pm yesterday and today I will be at work from 8am-10pm due to a company mandatory meeting from 7pm-10pm. I have a presentation I have to prepare for as well and have I had time to prepare for that? Nope. Half of it is something that "would be nice to have for this fall", but was later decided upon (without giving me prior notice) in a mass email sent out that I would be doing this for this meeting. Yes, this was when I learned of the change of plans without having consulted me first. So, now I have to spend probably close to 2 hours getting my information together and get it ready to distribute to all the other stores. No, I am not thrilled about having this sprung on me without having asked me first, but I will try to find time to do it.
I am hoping that after working another 12 hour day on Wednesday that I will be able to cut back to 10 hours on Thursday and Friday, but we'll see. I should be able to, but I am not going to promise anything at this point.
The huge orders just keep coming in, too. Got another one that is estimated at being over 7,000'. If the last part of October & this first part of November are indicative of what is to come for the rest of the year and January, then I should be dead first quarter of '07.

At my funeral service, this will be the portrait for all to see. Monkeys have been know to be dressed like this for entertainment purposes. There's no tears at my funeral, except from laughing...

*disclaimer: the above pic was PS'd by a girl named Ashley. Here's the original. I don't want people thinking I actually dressed up like that...

but, I don't mind them knowing this is how I acted on vacation earlier this year after scoring a point in ping-pong with other strangers in the same room playing pool. Whoopidy-dooo!
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