Monday, December 15, 2008

this is a sad world we live in...

Daniel Petric killed mother, shot father because they took Halo 3 video game, prosecutors say

How does being "under great stress because of a snowboarding accident that resulted in a severe staph infection," justify this kind of irrational behavior? When you read the article, it is quite clear this was premeditated. Not only that, but he tried to set the story up when his sister and her husband came over to make it seem like an apparent murder-suicide. The death penalty is not the answer. But, this boy certainly doesn't deserve to ever be allowed to walk the streets again. Anyone who can kill one parent and attempt to kill their other parent is not fit for society. His father still loves him and should be allowed to visit him throughout the rest of his (the father's) life. It would be too devastating should the father see his son die. He already lost his wife. I think there has been enough killings in this family.
Some of you may disagree with me, but based on what I have read, the son truly is remorseful for his actions; however, he needs to pay for his crime and that should mean he spends the rest of his life in prison.
This article is not meant to be interpreted as me saying that I believe this video game caused him to kill his mom through acting it out. He was clearly enraged that he did not get to do something he wanted to do. The way the media twists this around into making Halo 3 out to be a violent video game is another story entirely. Perhaps it is of their opinion that Halo 3 is violent. My opinion is it is not. Show me where one drop of blood is spilled. Then, check out Gears of War and get back to me on what is violent.
I'm not saying Gears of War offends me, as it does not. I am just making a comparison of what is truly violent. Of course, this is all a moot point when there are people out there who believe Bugs Bunny and the Road Runner are violent cartoons. Sheesh.

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