Wednesday, October 25, 2006

my truck

After work Friday, I dropped my truck off and had some things looked at for preventive maintenance- hoses, belt, fuel injectors, coolant... They said that all the hoses are in great shape & no need to replace anytime soon. So, I had the coolant flushed, fuel injectors cleaned, a tune-up (new plugs, wires, etc...), and the belt changed (it was starting to fray & there was a very small chip on one of the grooves.
Also, the Wednesday prior I went to Sears and had a Die-Hard dropped in. I had not noticed anything wrong with the previous battery, but since it is almost 3 yrs old I figured I better before it becomes a problem and there is no better battery than a Die-Hard.
Next, I will start preparing for a water pump. I have no idea when that might break down, but I better have some saved up for if it happens since I know they are not cheap.
Feels so good getting stuff like that done before it becomes a major issue!
I'd also like to get bigger wheels & tires for it since the 14" just don't cut it & I have the largest tires on it I can due to the stock size wheels.

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