Thursday, January 01, 2009


I did it. I was afraid it was going to cost a good chunk of cash to get it done, so I waited until I had some available to me in order to accomplish it. Now, I know you are supposed to get it done within 30 days, but I didn't. At least I got it done within the same year, which is more than I can say for most people. Of course, I'm talking about my driver's license and tags.
There was no one at the DMV, or whatever it is called here. I walked in, got my license and given directions on where the courthouse is so I can claim my truck as personal property (I had to do that prior to getting the tag). Again, no one at the courthouse. Perfect. And, it's maybe a 5min drive from the DMV. The people that worked there were just as friendly as almost all the other people I've met in this town. Unlike those I've dealt with in the past in Plano, these people aren't bitter, don't hate their job (and if they do, they do not project it), and they are actually smiling and talk to you. It's amazing at how humane they are here. It's refreshing and helps confirm what a great decision it is I made to move here.
So, while getting my paper at the courthouse to take back to the DMV, the lady who helped me gave me a hard time telling me it was going to be $500. She then laughed and I laughed. She told me I looked like a person who can take a joke. I told her she's right and her co-worked asked if she was trying to pick me up. We all laughed about that. Not that she was unattractive or anything, which she wasn't at all. She was single (no ring), but I didn't do anything about it.
Perhaps the coolest part of my experience was I didn't have to wait for my license to arrive in the mail. They print them up within 2mins. Never would've expected that, but it certainly was a welcome event.
I was excited about taking off my Texas plates and removing the stickers from inside my windshield. Just think, once I file my taxes I will be able to claim full residency (in my mind) here in Arkansas. I know. It does sound weird. I never thought I'd be excited about it, but I am. Funny how things change.


Unknown said...

about damn time

Unknown said...

and, save those texas plates for me PLEASE. sorry i love license plates. I'm glad you love AR!

Tab said...

Haha! Yeah, it took a few months. Sad thing is that was a while ago. Those plates a long gone. Sorry, Ro.