Seriously. I don't know if it's just another example of the wrong pic to take for your personal ad or if it's just sad that this was deemed an intelligent decision. I highly suggest not taking a pic, or in this case
two pics of one's self hoping it will win the attention of some special man while in a public rest room. It does not matter whether or not it is in the rest room in your office, not at your local bar or other favorite haunt. It just doesn't seem appealing to see unisex gender sign indicating which sex is allowed to use it. Nor is it attractive to see the giant hand towel dispenser, possible mop handles and air freshener. It is just too painful to take one's eyes off this lack of thought.
I'd think the only man she'd attract is one in the custodial arts. If that's her target, then she's definitely on the right track.

Even worse is the fact she has other pics on her profile taken by someone else. Why couldn't she wait until after work and have someone take her pic. She obviously thinks she looks good in her outfit, so why spoil it in this manner when it could have been taken outside or maybe even at her desk?
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