I know it has been a while. I moved to Fayetteville on the 23rd of Feb, 2008. I look back at those pics of my truck and my old apt parking lot and it brings back tension. I honestly never realized just how unhappy I was living not only at that apt complex, but in Plano.
I have no regrets. I have lost some friends along the way. I didn't think that was possible as I was under the impression that they were supportive of my move here. But, alas, that is not the case.
When you tell an alleged friend that you are moving, they are not supposed to say
it's going to be the biggest mistake of my life and that I will regret it. They are not supposed to ignore your multiple attempts at contacting them, right? Here is an excerpt from an email I sent to this person, "
I am curious as to why I emailed you at least 4 times (2/29, 3/28, 4/16, and 4/19) and never got a reply from you until the one on 5/1 which, on my end, felt very rushed and impersonal (Really good...busy, but good. Glad you are doing well...talk with you soon.), and now I get an email from you and it is very friendly and you coincidentally are having problems with your new phone."
When I called this person out on her behavior, this is the response I received, "
Well the only emails I got were about how much it sucked here and how glad you are that you made the move. And you even went as far as to say you only wish you had done it a long time ago...wow that make a person feel real good." Funny thing is the move was all about me. It was so refreshing to move to a place where I felt like I belonged. It's so sad that you tried to make me feel bad for sharing my happiness with you. I thought that is one of the many things friends are for: sharing the good times. I guess I was wrong in that I was always there for you when you needed to vent about how miserable you were. The entire environment is some place where I feel I finally belong, and yet, you cannot be happy for me that I am happy for once in my life? Are you seriously that selfish of a person to even throw it back in my face that I am somehow making you feel bad? Since when was it ever about you and why would it ever be about you? I never said, jokingly or not, that I was wanting to get away from you. I wanted to better my life and myself. After all these years, it is time I do something for myself for a change and it's a shame you cannot handle that and be supportive like an adult friend. I was supportive of you when you accidentally got pregnant by a guy who wasn't divorced, and come to think of it neither were you. I was supportive of you marrying him for all the wrong reasons. But, you cannot be supportive of me finally making a positive change in my life? Are you serious?
Needless to say, that friendship has since been severed as I do not need that type of deception in my life. I do not need that type of selfishness nor negativity poisoning my life. I do not need that type of materialistic mentality dragging me down. I do not need to be a part of the awful things you say about your husband and his children, not to mention how messed up two of his children are. It's not my fault you chose that life and put yourself in a situation that you are unhappy in.
I hope that one day you do find genuine happiness because when I left you, being happy was one of the many things your life was missing.
I am thankful that I have put that relationship behind me and the great state of Texas for that matter.