Tuesday, February 13, 2007

for my best friend

Your childhood is incomplete without this, Jason. I taunt you to this day for I had the mojo to earn this and you did not. You could always beat me at baseball, but I will hold this elite status forever- muuuuu-ahahahaaaaaaaaaaa!


Dad said...

How can you keep calling him your best friend? when was the last time you talked to him, went to his house, or he posted a comment on your blog.

Your right hand is your best friend.

By the way your Mom says happy valentines day.

Tab said...

He has invited me over a couple of times, but I haven't been able to go due to previous plans.

You do know that my mom actually reads my blog, right? She now knows what a true perv you really are. HAHA!

Grant, you're still one of my best friends. Does someone need a hug? For someone who has a degree, your grammar sure does suck. Damn Aggie. :)

Unknown said...

please don't fight. i hate it when you fight. makes me sad.