Second, let's give a big round of applause to the Sooners of Oklahoma and their hard-fought game against the Cowboys of Stillwater, a.k.a. Oklahoma State. They were as well prepared for them as they always have been and kept it a tense and close game up until late in the 4th quarter when OSU was finally stopped and forced to punt. The final nail in their coffin happened when their quaterback fumbled the ball with less than 3mins remaining in the game. OU wrapped the game up by running the ball in order to keep the clock ticking when rushed up the middle for a 28-yd TD.
One might think OU was trying to run up the score, but all they were doing was trying to run out the clock. It was the fact that only one OSU defender literally got one hand on Brown before he scampered in the end zone as to how the score was increased by 7 more points at the end. All OSU had to do was stop the run, which everyone knew OU was going to do at the end to try and win without rubbing OSU's nose in it. Stoops knows how bitter this rivalry is and didn't need to add fuel to the fire.
The only question remains- how well will OU prepare for their next game? Will it be in the Big XII Championship against Missouri? If they win that, will they go onto the National Championship game? Who will play in it? Only time will tell. Stay tuned! It hasn't been this exciting in many, many years with a 3-way tie for first place in the Big XII South.

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