Ok, I am bored. Or, am I concerned? I haven't posted here in so long, and when I was it wasn't with any regularity. I need some ideas as I am going through a mental drought.
Part of it has to do with no motivation. I am frustrated with a few things. I need to get back into being a bit more active than sitting here day in and day out. I need to be creative with my free time. Beginning with the first week in June, I will start getting things back in order. I am over my sinus/allergy whatever that I was dealing with the past 3 weeks. It is so stupid, but I haven't gotten back into my routine I was in last year up until the end of October. That is just too long to be 'out of it'. There are things I want to change about me, but I haven't done so.
Do you think it could be that I am coming to a crossroad in my life? I guess I am just a very late bloomer? Perhaps it's long overdue I step up to the plate? Take it to the next level? What is it I need to be doing? Or, maybe the better question is what is it that I should be doing?
I think know what I want, but is it possible that I haven't a clue as to what I am talking about? Why is it that I don't feel I have anything figured out, but I see so many other people who do have it all figured out, or at least appear to have done so in my eyes? There is something out there that I cannot put my finger on that I seem to not be able to grasp.
Is it possible that some things need to be re-prioritized? Do I put some importance on things that should be moved down a peg or two? Maybe there is at least one thing missing from my life and once that piece is there, perhaps everything else will come together and I will see things more clearly. I know I am asking a lot of questions, but I am just thinking out loud. Of course, I am always receptive to constructive criticism, suggestions, ideas, thoughts, opinions, etc... the truth and I don't care how abrasive it may/may not be because it is something I want to hear and need to hear. All I want is the truth and I can handle the truth. I need to see myself from a point of view that is not my own. I need to see, know, and understand the reality from another person.
There are things I am looking forward to, but am scared to death at the same time. Why do I make things more difficult than they probably are? Why do I over-analyze a lot of things?
Why do I do this to myself? I ask others to give me a chance, yet I never give myself a chance. Why do I struggle to be positive about myself in life when I am so confident in what I do for a living? Why can't Work Tab co-exist with Social Tab? Why is it I am a different person around some people, but others I am myself? Why can't I let my guard down around some people like I do my closest friends and family? Why is it I try so hard from a social standpoint that I end up wrecking something before it even has a chance? It's like I already make up someone else's mind for them instead of sincerely giving them a chance to know me and giving my chance to allow myself to be myself around them. It seems I put so much pressure on myself that I prohibit anything fun from happening and naturally evolving. Why can't I just let things go? I tend to think of myself as easy-going, but I wonder if I am just fooling myself and have been doing so for all of these years? Why is it I feel like I need so much help in figuring out my life? Why can't I just keep my big mouth shut and think before I speak? Why is it I haven't a clue about how to go about dating? Why am I so confused about life? Why do I knock myself so much? Why can't I allow myself to be happy? Why, for once, is it that I don't care about any possible spelling errors?