Thursday, December 07, 2006

my 99th post...

I am going to try & do something for my 100th post, if I don't forget.

In other news, my shrimp are going to have babies. I had two different brood of fish in October. The first batch, I saved at least 11 of them. The second batch, I let nature take it's course, and 3 survived.
Now, I have a shrimp that has eggs all under her tail and I am sure they will hatch anyday now. What's so cool is I read it is very difficult to get shrimp to reproduce in a home aquarium like mine, but apparently I am doing something right or else things wouldn't be going the way they are going. I am excited, but at the same time I know that 99% of them probably won't survive since it will take forever for them to grow large enough to not be eaten by my swordtails.
Crush is doing fine. Her shell is now bigger than the palm of my hand. I will try & take a pic of her as I have now had her for almost two years.

Work is going great. I am still working crazy hours, with the exception of yesterday. I left around 4:15 yesterday. It was weird seeing the sun outside of my office. I did not quite know what to do yesterday, so I went to the pet store, got some water conditioner for Crush and changed out her water.

I guess that's really about it. I cannot think of anything else of importance, even though what I just wrote is of no real importance to anyone but myself.

I was thinking, I guess I don't remember the Corn Crackos cos maybe they just weren't in this market, or any market I live in? I know some parts of the country has stuff we don't have and vice-versa.

I hope everyone has a great rest of the week and weekend.
Take care,
Captain Cool (me)

Only a very few select people will get the "Captain Cool (me)" reference...

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